Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Fall

  One of the most visually inspiring movies, both in fashion and in art, is the movie The Fall directed by Tarsem Singh. It is also one of my favorite films, for it posseses the rare power of being able to capture the surreal in life while still staying so truthful to the daily occurences of human nature.
  When I first heard about this movie I was sitting upon the sandy shoreline of Vancouver, the sky lit up in a bright tangerine as lightning flashed down upon the water. Rain began to fall against the light, and the storyteller - a person of enigmatic speech - continued to speak about this amazing film, describing in detail its visuals. In a way this moment parallelled the film itself, which is also about a story being told to a young girl, (though I am older than she), and about her visualization of it.
                            Each image is like a painting - every moment is framed to perfection.
                                      The costumes are absolutely stunning and inventive.

                                                                   Above is the trailer.

 Watching this film never fails to make me feel inspired by both the mind's scent of daily memories, and the exhilarated despair of great and transcending beauty. I find that it is in the recognition of the extraordinary that the importance of the ordinary is found.

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