Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thrifting Pride

 As a student of limited funds, thrifting is really a lifesaver! The fact that it has become a more acceptable, and even cool, way to shop is a complete bonus on top of just how practical it is for someone like me, who has the frugal university life in her very near future.

 When I first started thrifting - and this was way back in the early middle school years of embarrassing haircuts, awkward lunchtimes, and tedious "does he like me?" drama - the words "vintage", "cool", and "personal style" just were not associated with the idea of stepping into a thrift store. Thrift shops were for Halloween, everyone knew this! The stamp of "WEIRD" was dealt out by the cool kids as easily as teenage hormones deal out pimples. Let someone know that the adorable new outfit you were wearing was actually a product of someone's discarded hand-me-downs from their cat lady grandma and you would be regarded as the next bearded lady at the world's most pathetic travelling circus. I even once had a friend, (or rather a "frenemy", as I would say if I were on a TV show about Californian teens with hot bodies that look like they're no less than twenty-seven), who told me that he could see me being very content in life as a bag lady with a cart of vintage clothing.

 But then, something drastic happened!

 By the time middle-school ended, the idea of not having a brand name spread-eagled across one's chest became vastly more appealing. A tweedy sweater, be it of cat lady origin or not, became more than acceptable: it became desirable. All of those insecurities holding everyone back from accepting the fact that wearing something that was worn before, and was true to one's own style, was actually a good idea fell away. No longer were the days of answering, "Cute outfit! Where's it from?", with "Um, I don't know - I got it a long time ago..." Instead, I can now answer, "Thanks! I thrifted it!" And, depending on the person, they may even get to hear the glorious bargain at which it was purchased.

 Hoorah for thrifting pride!
 In celebration of my many years of being a vintage addict, here is a trip out with my friends Cleo and Jamilla on the hunt for bargain deals:
              Me in a Vintage leopard shawl, Forever 21 navy bodysuit, and oversized H&M trousers.
Jamilla, (left), Cleo, (centre), and I found matching 80's leather jackets. You can't touch this.

Our rolling baskets - Jamilla bought a fabulous fur coat! (centre)

                                                                          Une tres bon journee.

           Tommorrow you shall see my amazing finds! But first, I have to get batteries for my camera.

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